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Monday, October 1, 2007

The last time i cried...Its a poem...
In the name of The Most Merciful who shows Mercy to those who have Mercy on Others.
The last time i cried,
I was sitting at home,and it was deep in the night...
I was watching TV and looking at the flickering screen of the shadows and realities.
I was thinking of the olive branch,the symbol of peace,and the poor white little bird holding it.
I was shocked at seeing a girl cry.She was taken back,She cried at the sight of having all the members of her family killed by a faithless,cruel and savage bunch of soldiers.
The last time i cried,
I could see i could see the people who were crushed into pieces,under the heavy steps of artilleries.
I was aghast to see members of a family screwd down to the floor of their house by collapsing roof over them,and the futile attempts of bulldozers to bring them out and take them to the hospital,which was at their elbow.
The last time i cried,
I couldn't believe it when i held on a face,which was dried up and dehydrated.
I was thinking of the ever increasing death tolls of famine in Aferica and the ever growing money sums of the developed countries.
The last time i cried,
I was thinking of the men of the world and their conducts,
I was thinking of the absence of civilization and barrenness of the world,the larg confused mass of wildemess.
The last time i cried,
I was thinking whether would t be the last time i cried.

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